Monday, March 31, 2014

Medusa PVC Prototype Design and Build

Medusa Project Design

The Medusa PVC prototype is just one phase in the journey to fly our TechShop UAV at this years Autodesk University. The PVC air-frame is being built to test the physical scale of the final design. It will also provide our team invaluable feedback to optimize the air frame geometry and let us test the flight controls and power systems.

Medusa Project Design

Check out how the PVC Prototype fits into the overall scope of the Medusa Project. Medusa Project Workflow Diagram

Medusa Project workflow

Before get started let me say thank you to all the users on RC Groups.Com Scratch Build PVC Forum for inspiring our working model prototype to test for AU submission. Check out there Gallery! Scratch Built PVC Gallery

Since the V-tailed Quad copter is related to Tri-Copter geometry I started our design process by researching symmetrical design theory. I ran into a great website that helped me get under way (Link).

Medsua Project
Autodesk Fusion 360 air-frame symmetrical design layout sketches
I started the PVC build by dropping by my local hardware store and purchasing some thin walled PVC schedule 30 3" inch pipe. The scale looks good and the large diameter should provide the necessary rigidity for a 1500mm motor to motor span. In addition I picked up some PVC T's, 45 degree elbows and some end-caps to connect up the frame.

Medusa Frame 3" PVC Thin walled PVC pipe.

As soon as I got home I fired up Autodesk Fusion 360 and layed out the Tri-Copter symmetry, Tested out Leonardo's sketch and then overlayed Eric Nantel's vtailed quad copter design to triple check the our base geometry configuration.
Medusa Project Design robotshop
Eric Nantel's air-frame design superimposed over the Medusa Fusion 360 symmetrical T-Copter layout sketches
Once I had that locked down I created a 3" pipe with a .045 wall and then measured and modeled the tees and the elbows.  I added the tees for the body connections and landing legs and the 45s elbow for the V-Tail rear props.

Medusa Project Design Fusion 360

Medusa Project Design Fusion 360 1

Medusa Project Design Fusion 360 2

I needed to scale down the pipe to a 1" around the prop so not to disrupt the airflow so using a schedule 40 pipe Tee and Cross pipe fitting I got off Grab CAD I designed a simple system to connect the pipes. The hole in the end of the 3" PVC cap allows allows for a 1/8 vibration dampening o-ring and plenty of support to keep the the smaller pipe fixed.

Medusa Project Design Fusion 360 3

Saturday morning I headed out early to the join Harry and the team at the TechShop to start the Medusa PVC build. First things first, we placed the 20 foot 3" pipe on the scale. It measured in a 4lbs. Next using the fusion 360 measurements we cut the pipe to size and tested the prop distance. We made some slight adjustments and connected it together. It was really cool to see it come from design to reality.

Medusa Project Detroit Drones
Harry Arnold from Detroit Drones
20' 3" PVC Pipe 1820 grams

Medusa Project TechShop 1

Medusa Project TechShop 2

Medusa Project Avorto 1
Avorto 3520 KV400 Engines and 17"inch Props from Monto Hobbies.

Medusa Project Avorto 2
Avorto 3520 KV400 Engines and 17" Props from Monto Hobbies.

We should have the final parts in the next weeks and hope to testing the flight by April.

Check out our PVC prototype weights and costs :)

Medusa Weights And Costs

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Medusa Team is Growing! Join Us.

The Medusa Project Open Design team is growing at a rapid rate, so I thought it would be a good idea to introduce all our team members and supporters in a new post. I will continue this practice posting new team members as we move along.

I would like to say a special thanks to the TechShop and Will Brick who’s sponsorship of two 9 month memberships are the core foundation of the Medusa Project’s success.  The Detroit shop is an amazing space filled with new and experienced makers and thinkers all working toward their dreams while freely exchanging knowledge and ideas. It’s such a powerful exciting sense of community and is the most important part of the Medusa Projects mantra Creativity, Cad and Community.

Thank you all for your support!
To join us send me an email

New Members

Ed Martin: (Supporter/Consultant)  Senior Marketing Manager for Autodesk
I would like to thank Ed Martin to our team. Ed stopped by the Mackevision office last week to get a complete overview of the Medusa Project. He will be helping us create a awareness in the Autodesk ranks about our project and he will be leading the charge to get us on the main-stage at Autodesk University for the Keynote.

Tom Weisz: (Supporter/Consultant) Mackevision Creative Advisor
Tom is a great guy who I have had the fortunate opportunity to share an office with at Mackevision J He is passionate about process and tools that empower creative professional and he has an incredible ability to connect the dots of emerging technology and ground breaking artistic process. Tom has been excited about the vision of Medusa Project from the very beginning and his experience, persistence and network of executive creative professionals make him an invaluable part of our success.

Joseph Wurcher: ( Supporter/Consultant ) Autodesk  AU Program Development     
I contacted Sandy Profeta at Autodesk and inquired about when the submission opening for AU. She passed our project on to Joseph who contacted me with an interest in our project. He is currently acting as a silent observer, but as the AU selection process begins he will be an invaluable asset in our effort to gain admittance to AU. He is also our point of contact for our special request to place the Medusa in a highly visible location during the show.J

Chris Hall: (Supporter/Consultant/Builder) Autodesk Program Manager MFG/M&E
Chris is a longtime friend and Co-worker. Since his role is part manufacturing and media and entertainment He is the perfect Autodesk fit for our creative to CAD build team. Chris will be proving Fusion 360  support and training. He is also a long time RC enthusiast and will provide input on all aspects of the build, as well as, helping us lead the charge for AU submission.      

Joshua Smith: (Sponsor/Consultant)  Owner of MakerGeeks
Joshua is an amazing DIY multi-rotor enthusiast who is sponsoring our project with his newly developed 16x16 Zyon 3d printer and supplies to tackle the difficult task of printing the large Medusa thin-walled  plastic exoskeleton components. He is also providing us with much needed 3d material and 3d printing expertise on large scale 3d prints. Joshua has committed to shipping us a Zyon in 4 weeks. We are so excited about its arrival in the near future.

Mandee Mikulski: (Supporter) Director of Development Academy of Model Aeronautics
Mandee is a current supporter of our project. She has shared invaluable insight on fundraising, social media and marketing of the Medusa Project. She has dedicated herself to helping share the news of the Medusa project to the AMA community. As we move forward she will hopefully help us involve the Medusa open design message at RC aircraft events in North America.

Kyel Engelhart: (Sponsor) Mackevision Senior Retoucher and Photographer
Kyel has recently agreed to sponsor some of his valuable time to capture our flights and build process. Kyel’s creative professionalism and eye for detail will be critical to communicate the Medusa message as we progress.

Contributing Members

Peter Rubins: (Sponsor) Concept Artist
Peter created  and gifted our team with the HK painting for the opening of the site. His work is an inspiration to us all.

Jim Scartz: (Sponsor) Owner of Monto RC
Jim is the designer and Sponsor of the Medusa motors, The Avroto 3520 400Kv. He has been running performance evaluations on his engines with 17inch carbon fiber props. Jim has also went out of his way proving us with 33% off purchase’s from his store, Monto RC, making it possible for us to achieve first flight in mid-April.

Harry Arnold: (Builder/Sponsor) Owner of Detroit Drone
An avid multi-copter builder who upon my first meeting explained that he could make almost anything fly. His UAV experience and expertise with the Detroit Fire department and other regional authorities to help saves lives is a  gift to our project and our community. Harry is a fellow TechShop builder and I have enjoyed our long talks about details of flight design and 3d prining. Harry will be our lead test pilot as well as the official UAV electrical system engineer consultant.

Eric Nantel: (Consultant/Sponsor)  RobotShop Lead UAV Specialist
Eric has designed one of the most incredible V-Tailed quad copter on the market. His skill, ingenuity and  UAV design construction and manufacturing experience is key for the success of our project.  Eric has been very generous with his time helping with a wide range of challenges with building  one of the largest V-Tailed Multi-rotors in existence.

Will Brick:  (Sponsor) Manager of Detroit TechShop
Will is providing us with a focus point for our team with his generous sponsorship of two TechShop memberships for the Medusa Team. He is also a RC enthusiast and has been influential in organizing and communicating information on our project within the TechShop community.

Dave Gill: (Sponsor) President of Npower Software
I have worked very closely with David and the nPower team on development of their Power NURBS plug-in for 3ds Max. He has graciously sponsored a version of the software for our project and is dedicated to publishing project information to their users as soon as we have it available.

Heiko Wenczel: (Sponsor) President Mackevision Detroit
I have been working with Heiko at Mackevision for 5 years. He is an excellent leader and accomplished RC copter pilot. He has been our biggest supporter proving design hardware and rendering support for our team. He is focused on helping us achieve additional funding and support for the AU presentation. To be sure, Heiko is always looking to take things to the next level, so expect things to have a Mackevision professional polish for the final presentation. Heiko will also be our AU pilot and will be involved in helping us get things flying in the right direction.

Leon Carpenter: (Sponsor/Consultant) Producer/Account Manager
I work with Leon every day and he is a great daily source of inspiration for our blog and ideas for fund raising and marketing. He has also offered to help us with capturing interviews and progress reports as we progress.

Vaughn Gernhardt: (Builder/CGI/Consultant) Mackevision CG Specialist
Vaughn was my first point of contact on the project. He is a very creative professional and been my sounding board on so many of my ideas from the beginning.  Once we have completed the 3ds Max modeling he will be leading the animation and rendering pre-visualizations including materials, environment, VFX and rendering. Once Vaughn gets a hold of the 3ds Models we can expect great things.

Joe Palma: (Consultant/Visionist ) Mackevision CG Specialist
Joe is my number one sounding board. We meet multiple times a week discussing everything from web marketing to structural engineering. He has turned on so may light bulbs in my head over the course of the project to date. As we move forward he will continue to add relevant insight and constructive criticism to help us achieve our final objective.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Monto RC Hobby Powers UP The Medusa Project

Thank you to the team at Monto RC Hobby for contributing 4 Avroto 3520 400Kv motors to our Autodesk University Multi-rotor UAV Project. 

 While researching large scale and heavy lift Multi-Rotor UAV's in the RC Groups I read Stephen Clinch's review of the Arvoto Lift Series motors. I was impressed by designer Andrew Raines 21lb Hexacopter and wrote Jim at Monto to discuss testing out his engine design on our project.

 The biggest design challenge for the Medusa Project is that the final UAV build weight is still undetermined. Only when we completed the 3mm ABS 3D printed exoskeleton and CNC the 1500mm air-frame can properly configure the UAV's power system.  This major factor focused our design effort to develop a Power system that would push the upper weight limit of off the shelf UAV components.   

I  added the Avroto 3520 400Kv motors specs from the Monto RC Hobby website into Ecalc to get a comparison to other motors I was researching and the numbers came back very favorable. 8500 grams at 62% Throttle for 5 minutes. 

Our next step will be to add the motors to our full scale PVC prototype to evaluate their performance with 16.5 and 17.5 Props. 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Medusa Project Official Unveiling at Detroit TechShop

The Medusa Project had its official unveiling today at the Detroit TechShop Coffee and Concepts meet-up. The 15 minute Medusa presentation gave the interested audience of savvy DIY creators and entrepreneurs an overview of what we hoped to achieve with the UAV in the coming months. The follow up discussion included an enthusiastic round of questions ranging from how to get involved in the project to presentation safety and large scale UAV performance concerns.

As a follow up to my presentation we were treated to a live in auditorium quad-copter flight by Harry Arnold DetroitDrone.Com RC expert. You could feel the buzz of excitement and tension as soon a Harry’s drone fired up and rose into the air. I will have to say that there could not have been a better conclusion to our opening day!

Check out Harry's awesome FPV work at 

Friday, February 7, 2014

Eric Nantel of Lynxmotion and RobotShop Joins Medusa Air-Frame Design Team

I am excited to announce that Eric Nantel from Lynxmotion and RobotShop and designer of DiaLFonZo-Copters has generously offered his insight and time to the Medusa Project air-frame design team.

Eric's sleek v-tail design is the inspiration behind our projects internal frame design. You can follow his incredible build story of the Hunter V-Tail 400/500 mm quad copter design on the RC Forums. His work has attracted interest around the globe and his company, DiaLFonZo-Copters, was recently purchased by the RobotShop the world leading robotics store.

We are so fortunate to have Eric's design style, engineering experience, and input on our UAV project.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Medusa Project Selects Autodesk 360 Fusion for Air-frame design.

As many of you know from earlier posts the Medusa Project will use a Autodesk software workflow.  Today we are officially announcing the use of Autodesk Fusion 360 CAD modeler for the UAV air-frame design and manufacturing.

Since our project is based on our Creative/CAD/Community philosophy Fusion 360 is a perfect fit. Fusion is centered around community development allowing the design and build team design access to the CAD airframe design from multiple locations.

The plan for the final DYI Medusa UAV model includes posting the complete design and manufacturing information to the world, so that anyone can build one. Autodesk Fusion 360 is perfect for this allowing us to export the CAD data to numerous DYI CAD sites like Grab CAD.

I am looking forward to starting the air frame design in Fusion 360 in the coming weeks. Stay posted to our blog for the latest updates.

Medusa Project selects 3DS Max as Creative 3D platform

Our core Medusa team members are VFX and visualization artists. Our everyday job revolves around modeling and rendering photo real images and animations for the Detroit automotive industry. Our 3D tools are 3DS Max and Maya, so it seems the natural fit to use these Autodesk software tools for the creative stage of the project.

To begin we will be starting the modeling the exterior V1 prototype of the UAV in 3ds Max using Power NURBS plugin. Once modeling is complete it will proceed thru our photo-real texturing shading and lighting phase at which point we will produce a VFX style full 3d Medusa prototype flight sim animation.

Once the airframe is started we will import it into 3ds Max via nPower Power translators and adjust the v2 prototype exoskeleton to align with the airframe and build the thin walled internal support system. We then plan on exporting the exoskeleton NURBS model back into the airframe for final tooling and manufacturing in Fusion 360.

Medusa Project uses Autodesk SketchBook Mobile for early UAV concept work.

In the spirit of keeping the Medusa drone an end to end Autodesk software project I decided to begin with the SketchBook Pro App on my Samsung Note 3 Phone. I excited to learn that Autodesk had released an Android based mobile version. I have used SketchBook on my Ipad in the past, but I wanted something that was immediately accessible and always available. The idea worked perfectly akin to sketching ideas on a napkin. 

Mackevision Sponsors Medusa Project

I am happy to announce that Mackevision is now an official sponsor of the Medusa Project.  The core of the Medusa team consist of Mackevison artist based in the Detroit office. Mackevision supports yearly creative contests and opportunities for the artists to show off their skills. 

Heiko Wenzel president of Mackevision Detroit an artist and designer himself has always believed in pushing the creative and technical boundaries of our tight knit team.  A long time RC copter and vehicle enthusiast Heiko was excited about becoming involved with the large scale Quad Copter build. In addition to approving the use of Mackevision hardware and software he has volunteered to lead the drone flight team. He will oversee all of the airframe prototype testing to the maiden UAV launch.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Medusa build inspiration: Project linkall HK UAV

The Linkall team founded by Jiaqi Hu and Zebo has built an impressive drone that is a inspiration to our team. The Medusa UAV will be similar to the Linkall drone in size and shape, but will differ in design and construction.

Our hats are off to the Project Linkall team. See more about their project on the DYI Drone site and the links below.

Linkall HK flight video

DYI Drones Linkall Build

Linkall Website:

Linkall Info.

The Project linkall has been founded by Jiaqi Hu and Zebo Sun since Oct 2011. Linkall is considered to be the pioneer in the drones delivery system, which has been developed and researched by our team with all the curiosity and enthusiasm for such a new field.

The technological solution of fully automated end to end drones delivery system by linkall is not just a drone for transportation and delivery, but an totally autocratic and continuous working system. In the very near future, the convenient service provided by linkall will become an indispensable part of your life. Especially, we do not only provide service to urban residents, instead, we hope to serve all the people who need it with no charge, especially those in remote area.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Medusa Visual Inspiration

All great projects come from great inspiration.When we sat down to discuss what type of UAV we wanted to create the Terminators HK Hunter killer and the Matrix Sentinel immediately came to mind. 

I looked over hundreds of images trying to find the one that fit the communicate the final look and feel for the Medusa Project. These dark menacing designs with machine minds hovering in the smoke and darkness provoke the perfect combination of awe and fear for a theatrically remember-able flight.

This Sentinel by Felix Joleanes is not only a great image but also a great model. Check out the following links to see more of his work on the project.

This Sentinel by Felix Joleanes is not only a great image but also a great model. Check out the following links to see more of his work on the project.

This amazing image of the HK was created by concept artist Peter Rubin at Iron Rooster Studios.

Below are my initial concept sketches of the Medusa project were done on my Phone with Autodesk SketchPro Mobile app. They are my first impressions of mixing the multiple segmented arms and multiply eyes of the sentinel and the v tailed quad adaption of the HK Body. 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Medusa Project 26lbs Multirotor Power System

The Medusa's heavy lift UAV power system is being designed with the maximum thrust and lift capacity for a quad copter built with standard multirotor system components.  Follow the tech talk discussion on the RC Forum.

Latest Power System Configuration

4: Avroto 3520 LIFT Series KV:400 brushless motors
4: 18/ 6.1 Carbon Fiber Props
4:  Amp ESC's (Simon K flashed)
2: Nano tech 6S 8000mah 65/100c Lipo batteries

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Npower Software Sponsors Medusa Project.

Dave Gill and the Npower Software team have decided to sponsor the Medusa Project by graciously providing our team with a license of Power NURBS. The Npower software suite for Autodesks 3ds Max will provide our creative team with the advance surface and solid modeling tools necessary to prototype the vehicle. 
As a long time user of Power NURBS user I can't express how thankful we are for the Npower teams much welcomed support on our project. The software is a dream to work with providing 3ds Max users an intuitive UI and comprehensive CAD accurate surfaces. The software's unique properties will provide the corner stone of project. It will allow us to export our 3d solid model directly to Autodesk Inventor where we can engineer in the details and prototype the UAV.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Detroit TechShop Sponsors Medusa Project

Initial Medusa project sponsorship meeting with Will Brick at the Detroit TechShop.

Will was great. He explained that the TechShop was all about the DYI community and is fully committed to helping us achieve our goal of building our UAV. He took the time to give me a full tour of the facility and let me tell you the space and the tools are amazing.

Will asked me to make an initial presentation of the Medusa Project to community February the 8th. I am so looking forward to the experience.

Creativity-CAD-Community>>>> It all starts here.

Our goal for the Medusa Project is to bring together creativity, CAD and community to develop an construct a custom UAV

The Core Mackevsion Team of the project is myself Eric Pinkel and Vaughan Gernhardt with various concept input from Joe Palma. However, since the project was conceived as a community endeavor, I am sure the list will grow and grow.

The Medusa Project is designed by nature to use a complete Autodesk Software workflow from concept to creation.  The open nature of the project means that all of the construction data of the project will be published so that anyone can replicate the Medusa Drone.

Here we go.